Rajasthan REET 3rd Grade Teacher 7500 Recruitment 2017 (Level 2 Notification) education.rajasthan.gov.in
राजस्थान प्राथमिक शिक्षा विभाग में तृतीय
श्रेणी अध्यापको (लेवल द्वितीय) के 7500 पदों के लिए भर्ती होगी, इसके लिए
ऑनलाइन आवेदन 26 सितम्बर 2017 से 11 अक्टूबर 2017 तक रहेंगे , अभ्यर्थी
वेबसाइट के अंतिम पैराग्राफ में दिए गए लिंक से ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते
Rajasthan REET 3rd Grade Rajasthan Teachers Recruitment 2017(Level 2 Notification) {Post- REET III Grade Teacher Post –Graduation (B.Ed. & BSTC), Government of Rajasthan (Primary Education) department will be soon uploaded official notification 3rd Grade Teachers Level 2 Notification (तृतीय श्रेणी अध्यापक) 7500 posts 2017. Rajasthan Primary Education department REET 3rd Grade Level 2 Notification 7500 Vacancies 2017.Unemployed persons who want to job in Primary & Upper Primary Department the can apply for the same post.
Latest Update-12 September 2017: Primary Education department will soon organization REET 3rd Grade Teachers (Level 2 Notification) 7500 Recruitment 2017. Candidates can check Notification on the official website. And more detail is given below. You can also check out RPSC 2nd Grade 6468 Teacher Recruitment 2017.
Interested candidates can apply online for Rajasthan Primary Education REET III Grade (Level 2 Notification) 7500 vacancy 2017. Online registration for this post is starting on 26 September 2017 to 11 October 2017. Vacancy department official website is -www.education.rajasthan.gov.in/elementary Important Date sheet, eligibility, and other important points are mentioned in this article.
Rajasthan REET III Grade Teacher 7500 Recruitment 2017–(Level 2 Notification)
राजस्थान में अध्यापको के 7500 पदों की भर्ती होगी ऑनलाइन आवेदन करे
कार्यालय निदेशक प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा राजस्थान (बीकानेर) द्वारा राजस्थान
प्राथमिक और उच्च प्राथमिक विधालय अध्यापक सीधी भर्ती 2016 (संशोधित)
विज्ञापन संख्या 01 /2017 जारी कर दिया गया है, इस भर्ती का पूर्व में
विज्ञापन 2016 में जारी किया गया था, लेकिन लेवल द्वितीय में संशोधित करते
हुए 7500 पदों के लिए निर्धारित योग्यताधारी आवेदकों से ऑनलाइन आवेदन
आमंत्रित किये जाते है, की रिक्तियों का जिलेवार/ विषयवार विवरण जल्दी ही
विभाग की वेबसाइट पर जारी कर दिया जायेगा, यह सूचना केवल आपकी सुविधा के
लिए है,
अगर सूचना किसी भी प्रकार से गलत या पदों की संख्या में कमी या बढ़ोतरी
पाई जाती है तो हमारी टीम की कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं रहेगी, इसके लिए ऑनलाइन
आवेदन 26 सितम्बर 2017 से 11 अक्टूबर 2017 तक कर सकते है,अभ्यर्थी भर्ती
से समन्धित सम्पूर्ण जानकरी जैसे-आयु सिमा , योग्यता, आवेदन की तिथि, आवेदन
शुल्क आदि आप वेबसाइट के अंतिम पैराग्राफ में दिए गए लिंक से देख सकते है,
एसएमसी एजुकेशन ग्रुप जयपुर द्वारा दी गई सूचना आपको अच्छी लगी तो आप इस
सूचना को अपने अन्य दोस्तों को भी बताये, जिससे वे भी इस सूचना का लाभ ले
Qualification (Educational & Age) –
in this section, we are publishing basic or minimum qualification for REET 3rd grade teacher posts. Candidate should be fulfilling basic qualification to apply online & take participate in the further process.Educational Qualification – the Candidate, who passed Graduation (B.Ed. or BSTC) standard from a recognized board or university, can apply for this post
Selection procedure – {Exam + Interview}
If you will fill the correct online application form and pay application fee then you will be called for written examination. Successful candidates of written exam will be called for interview and document verification.
Age Limit-
- General candidate’s Maximum age 35 Years
- OBC Candidates Maximum age 35 Years
- ST Candidates Maximum age 35 Years
- SC Candidates Maximum age 35 Years
- Note-Age Relaxation according to government rules
Rajasthan REET 3rd Grade Teachers Syllabus & Exam Pattern for Written Examination –
Check out the syllabus for Rajasthan REET 3rd Grade Teachers (Level 2 Notification) exam. For complete syllabus & detailed topic wise analysis read notification & visit official web portal of the department of Primary Education.Application Fee –
Pay Scale –
Please read official notification for pay scale of REET III Grade Teacher post in Primary Education Department.
1. | Full Advertisement | 15.O9.2017 |
2. | Starting Date of online Application form | 26.09.2017 |
3. | Last Date of Online Application Form | 11.10.2017 |
Rajasthan 3rd Grade Teacher Requirement Level-2 Tsp/ Non Tsp Subject Wise Seat
- 1. Tsp level-2 Total post: 1455
- English post: 660
- Science-maths post: 785
- Special Teacher: 10
- 2. NON TSP Level-2 Total post: 6045
- English post: 4940
- Science-maths post: 927
- Hindi post: 100
- Special Teacher: 78
6045 (Non TSP) 1455 (TSP) See subject wise posts download revised official notification.
Graduation with at least 50% marks and 1 year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) or its equivalent.And
Candidates must have passed Graduation or equivalent examination with
at least one subject as an optional subject for related to applied post.And REET/RTET from applied subject.
Minimum: 18, Maximum: 35, Upper age relaxation as per Govt. rules.
General: Rs. 100/-
OBC: Rs. 70/-
SC/ST: 60/-
No fee for old candidates.
Selection methods:
Merit will be made on: 70 Marks (REET/RTET) + 30 Marks(Graduation).
How to apply:
New candidates follow all instructions. Candidates must update their details who have already apply in 2016.
Important Links: