Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2017 Clerk Marks Cutoff ByName Result

Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2017 Clerk Marks  Cutoff ByName Result

Rajasthan High Court LDC Exam Result 2017 Expected Cut Off Marks going to be held on 23rd July Lower Division Clerk Merit List Download Expected Publishing Date www.hcraj.nic.in

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http://recruitmentaz.blogspot.inRozgar Samachar, Suchana 2017 Up coming  Govt Gobs

http://recruitmentaz.blogspot.inSarkari Naukri,

http://sarkarijobsresults24.blogspot.com/2017/09/rajasthan-high-court-ldc-result-2017.htmlSarkari Naukri Today

Rajasthan High Court LDC Expected Cut Off


Latest News Update (01 September 2017)-राजस्थान हाई कोर्ट LDC का परिणाम जारी कर दिया है सामान्य की कट-ऑफ 163 , ओबीसी की कट-ऑफ 157 रही है निचे दिए लिंक से आप अपना परिणाम और विस्तार से कट-ऑफ का पता कर सकते है 
Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2017: – The candidates who have appeared in the Rajasthan High Court Lower Division Clerk exam are searching for the Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2017. Are you one among those candidates who search for Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2017? Then don’t worry, you are on the right portal. We have published the Raj HC Category Wise Merit List. The Rajasthan High Court LDC Result 2017 is different for SC, ST, General, OBC, candidates. Therefore, the candidates can refer the minimum qualifying marks based on their category here.

Rajasthan High Court LDC + Steno Result 2017 SC/ST/GEN/OBC Merit List

We also provide the High Court of Rajasthan LDC + Steno Exam Cut-off MarksMarks 2017 on this page. Th
ff Marks 2017 Exam Result Merit list publishing date of Lower Division Clerk has been analyzed below. Written exam for the posts of Lower division clerk is going to be held on 23rd July 2017. The recruited LDC will be posted in various district courts or subordinate courts under the Rajasthan HC. HCRaj has earlier published admit cards for the exam of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) in their official website. There are numerous vacancies under this job offer and the recruitment will be based on merit list prepared on the basis of written test in 2017. You will be able to download the category wise merit list (general, SC, ST, OBC category) or check your score card or marksheet online when the result will be announced. Candidates are requested to keep visiting our website for regular updates regarding the HC Raj LDC Exam Result 2017. Cut off marks will depend on the category of the candidates. Minimum qualifying marks will be different for SC ST OBC General PH Category candidates. To get through the recruitment process, one must qualify the minimum cut off score of the Rajasthan High Court LDC Exam 2017. The actual cut off marks may be published on the official website which is www.hcraj.nic.in after the exam is over. Candidates may comment download below about their marks and expected score mentioning their category. It will help understanding and guessing the category wise cut off marks of the written test of Rajasthan High Court LDC Exam held on 23-07-2017. Exam has been conducted on 23rd July 2017. Answer Keys for the written test of Rajasthan High Court Lower Division Clerk has been published on 24-07-2017. You can download it from the link given below. Stenographer Result has been published. Click on the link to check it. Latest Update 2: Rajasthan High Court LDC Result, Final Answer keys and cut off marks have been published. Click on the link to check the roll number of candidates passed in the exam and qualified for computer typing test. Declared on 1st November 2017.